[English summary]{Book review}
I want to give my good words, trust me. The book, Love in Tibet, is recommended by a friend with a forward from a famous online writer, and she is obviously moved by it. Therefor, I get two motives on my hand: first, I don't want to be seen as cynical about love and love story; second, I don't want to appear as ignorant and rascal in comparison.
I guess it would not be difficult to write a book review - you either praise it first, or save the praise towards the end to balance. I'll put positives up front.
What would a CCTV commercial say about the book, in its typical oh-so 90s style? I'm thinking along the lines of "it fills up a deficit of book reading experience". Voyeuristic pleasure of fast-food culture, that is. Would yo want to know the detailed account of what girls are really thinking when they spot you and reach out for possible love? Do you want to know the secrets to impressing a sensitive Chinese college-age girl? You are in luck, as the book is consists of diaries of the-couple-to-be. It may as well be a sort of reference book for people who haven't experienced the courting precess, as the forward suggested.
O.k., is this harmonious enough already? For those who want to get the beef out of the book, you'll in for some disappointment. Reading the book is like seeing dinosaur s in a museum; the skeleton is there, but that's all there to it. Did I forget to mention you can stop reading this if all that you care is a feel good story and want to be moved? Whatever the content in the soup, it's getting what you want that counts most, isn't it?
The skeleton of the story is simple. Girl meets boy in Tibet. They develop feelings toward each other since both are longing (not to mention they are in their respective relationships at the time). Love is only to be revealed when they have to depart, back to their own separate city, but with some persistence and stroke of luck they make it. Thank god.
The boy's dairy drags on tour itineraries. The girl's provides more detailed account of their interactions, occasional reflection, and rare touching moments. Unfortunately we are provided limited to no clue of the characters in the story. What traits and backgrounds lead to them liking each other in secret early on? What does he see in the girl that makes him love her? Thus, it's very difficult to actually get into the character, how would the relationship end up if he isn't luckily presented the chance to go to London, where she's scheduled to study at. In the end, all I can guess is Tibet. The romantic mighty Tibet.
How is it possible that the accounts straight from diaries aren't helpful in getting the readers into the characters? You may ask. Well, I think that's precisely the fault and fast-food-ness in the book. There are a great deal that we presume of knowing and not putting into our diaries. Even when they triumphantly get together, we readers aren't allowed to share their happiness other than a laundry list activities. O.K., that's understandable too. People write a lot less into diaries when they are happy. Why is that, otherwise, we don't see many more love diaries get published? There must be millions worthwhile love diaries out there.
At the end, all we get is a story, a sketchy story, albeit a feel good one.
Avid fans of the book, now don't think I'm cynical about love. I'm not. I'll tip you a secret. Don't ever believe anyone who tell you this is an age of no real love, or this love story is the only palpably real love story. Love never dies. As long as men and women have to eat and sleep, there is love. It's just that most people who get the real love move on to live their happy life, leaving no time to tell their tale . Remember how does Tolstoy put it? yeah, happy families look alike.
If I have to dig what I get out of the book, it's realizing how important mobile text messaging becomes in keeping up relationships, especially to usually shy, inexpressive Chinese. But who am I kidding. You must have already known this. Oh, and my most exciting voyeuristic read was in my 9th grade, and would be forever kept secret.
CCTV的带九十年代风采的广告要是想夸这本书, 一定会说这本书填补了文化快餐业的一项空白。嗯,不夸张得说它填补了满足读者偷窥欲的一项空白。小男生们想知道从心里有意口难开开始的心理过程么?想知道如何打动文女青年么?据说这本书里的都是来自主人公日记的真实的纪录。在这买个老鼠药想自杀还能有假的时代,这是多弥足珍贵啊。以后再也不用让吹嘘当年看过手抄本少女之心的老流氓得意了。和菜头显然也是承认偷窥于这本书的核心地位的,虽然委婉地放到第三:“博客里有男女双方的细腻心理活动全过程,对于尚未恋爱或者处于恋爱中的人,可以作为参考。”
故事的鱼骨头或者恐龙骨架很简单。发生在藏地的从同游客到亲密爱人的故事,才子佳人美景大团圆,和菜头的介绍比我能煽动的多。男的不急不缓记着旅游流水账,女的细腻一点,偶尔抒发一下情怀自我剖析一下郎有情郎无情的心理。事实上我很难代入人物,也看不到太多人物性格。我看不到是什么样的性格背景让女生对男孩一开始就忐忑向往。对男孩为什么看上女生喜欢女生什么更是一无所知。也看不出如果不是天作巧合有相聚伦敦的机会,这一对的未来会走向哪里。 我只能猜是西藏,一切都是因为我们伟大的西藏。也许有人要问,难道日记不是最能找到代入感的真切感受?是,正因为是日记才有很多东西理所当然无需交代,也就不剥夺了我们读者吃肉的权利,连我们分享他们的“蜜月”期的喜悦也被流水账一笔带过。我是不是应该反问世界上为什么没有更多爱情日记没有发表?
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