Friday, May 23, 2008

天涯观察:王石事件乱弹 {Unthreading a donation episode}

[English summary]
{On Tianya, issues around an donation episode were hotly debated. Comments from Wang Shi, president and CEO of WanKe, a leading real estate company, irritated the online community. Wang's claim that the company's donation of RBM 2m to the Earchquake relief was adequate and his employees shouldn't be burdened with donations in excess of 10 Yuan was vehemently refuted. His remarks met not only contempt but also verbal abuses. At the core of the debate seemed also lie the differences of the starting points of the two sides. While Mr Wang mainly viewed quake donation as public relation and business lubricating strategy, like any other donation before, netizens demanded real philanthropy matching the real magnitude of the disaster.

It's easy to dismiss the episode as collectivism thinking vestige. Americans would be puzzled and appalled by the moral reprimand of not donating enough. However, like many things in China, it goes more complicate than that. One has to unthread the rapidly changing social structure puzzle to fully understand the underlying cause. The real estate giants in China, where not long ago all real estate property rights belongs to the state, are big beneficiaries of the changing system that short changes ordinary people in favor of development. No real estate developer, especially those established from early stage of economic reform, can confidently claim it never received favorism or bended the system. It is thus more understandable that the public who get the short end of the reform stick demand more social responsibility from those new riches. The social divide and sense of higher justice induce the easy venting verbal attack.

The recent Wang Shi episode reflects two major issues China faces: the rule of law and education failure.}

最近因为地震, 多去了几次天涯。发现那里最红的,就是王石捐款事件。当然说讨论算好听了,更多的是公干。该如何评判这一事件的双方?像所有中国的事一样,一句话两句话说不清楚, 必须剥开蚕丝的看。

王石者,万科房产的董事长。因为登山等活动也成了公众人物。万科捐200万,以及后来的追加措施都是以公司的名义,其实非个人行为,王的一番言论却使大众的矛头指向个人。美国人基本是看不懂的,连我也略感糊涂。不管是9/11还是Katrina, 美国人从来没有对任何公司或个人有道义上的要求。捐款本是自愿的事,就算王某发表了一些不合时宜的看法,为什么会引来恶语相向?美国人大概也就耸耸肩。是什么让这么多网民觉得骂人和施加语言暴力是天经地义的事,就算报纸评论也站在网民一边,认为“逼捐”有理?

双方看起来你来我回争论相当热闹,但我并不确定他们从一开始就知道双方的要义。王以企业家的精明睿智提出的负担论显然指的是捐款作为企业形象策略社会关系润滑的作用,不然何来负担二字?而网民所要求的则是发自内心震撼的慈善;虽然说的都是捐款。唾沫横飞于网民而言集体主义的潜意识,极强的民族归属感都是因素,但更深层的道德推断原因还是来自制度。中国房地产业从土地国有开始, 其发展盈利无不拜制度所赐。万科作为早期进入市场的企业,更是享受了近乎垄断的制度利租得以资本积累。十有八九在它发展的某个时期'bend the system'过。 在制度改革中拿面包棍短端的普通民众自然对类似企业的社会责任有更高的要求。当然这话题能得到持续关注也不排除有商业竞争因素,在现在中国的网络环境里这并不奇怪。



以法治国在任何时代都很诱人。问题是rule of law需要巨大的运行成本(数数美国的律师人数),而且法可能被少数人或集团劫持。在秦就变成了苛政。孔子提出的补充办法是用道德用仁。道德仁治也需要成本。古代的皇帝可不那么容易当,他不仅要处处作道德的表范才能全民向德,还要时不时受太傅御史们的批评,从而影响精英政治团体到普通民众。而现在这个系统打破之后,法治需要填充的各个领域基础既不结实也没有支付巨大成本的准备。教育失败也体现在在执行法和运用法上,让法治更遇阻力。

比较美国和中国的网上政治辩论是件很有意思的事。美国人喜欢举例引证,左右猛拳但从不摘下手套。中国网民则更辩证,热烈之中带着深深的愤世嫉俗。两国人都对政府抱有健康的不信任,但美国人更主动check the facts, 中国网民相对比相互间更“信任”,人云亦云起哄跟风更多。这很大程度上也和我们的教育有关系。中国的学校里比较少注重列参考书目,校对注明出处。美国则从小更注重这方面的习惯训练。中国的网络上不需要芭蕉扇都能飞出五百里。

担至少在self-reference上大家是一样。在西方从九零年代开始有条格言叫Godwin's law: 随着网络争论时间的持续,用纳粹或希特勒来做比较的概率是百分之百。这句话在中文网络同样适用--只需要把纳粹改成红卫兵。这个词也被一些支持王石的人所使用。到最后人们总是回到自己最熟悉的环境和历史。

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1 comment:

  1. 既然self-reference相同,说明无论接受怎样的教育,最后都是殊途同归嘛
